About Us


It started last summer (2019) when my son graduated from college and came home to pursue some additional studies. He was going to live at home during this time and came up with a magnificiet suggestion ..."Let's Get a Dog!"

It had been several years since our home had enjoyed a doggie fur baby so we were all excited about this idea. 

A few weeks later, we ended up with a sweet and sassy 14-week-old male Rottweiler puppy – named Diesel. What fun to have a puppy in the house but oh, so much work. He loved his cushy beds that we got him from Costco but they got dirty so quickly and were hard to keep clean. Washing them was a major ordeal and took a lot of time.

      • Unzip the bed
      • Pull out all the stuffing
      • Wash on delicate by itself
      • Hang dry

Then a day or two later if you are lucky

      • Find all the stuffing
      • Stuff it back in the cover
      • Zip it up
      • Fluff it up so the filling is spread out evenly
      • Put it back on the floor only to get dirty again

There has got to be a better way I said to myself. I found a bedsheet in the closet and attempted to cover the dog bed with it. It didn’t look too bad but it was way too big and looked a bit sloppy. Plus, it was a plain mustard yellow sheet which didn’t do much for my home décor.

Once again, I said, there has to be a better way so I started looking for fabrics that could be custom sewn into a custom bedsheet just for my dog beds. I soon found out that fabric is not easily available in these huge sizes. But I didn't give up and soon found a company to print and sew our DoggieDuvies™.

Six months later, we decided our baby boy needed a buddy and we got our second Rottweiler puppy. - a little girl we call Daisy. You'll see both of them modeling their favorite dog bed sheets. 

All I can say is, thank goodness for our Duvie's. I like to wash them weekly and sprinkle them with lovely essential oils so they always look and smell fresh and clean.

If that is what you wish for your dogs, you came to the right place. 

Dogs give so much to us that our mission is to help you save time and effort in providing them what they need, which is fresh clean linens for everyone to cuddle together on!

We are also fortunate enough to be able to give back to pets in need and thank you for your support to make that possible.


Doris –

Founder DoggieDuvie™