The Ultimate Guide to a Great Dog Bedtime Routine

We all know a good bedtime routine is an integral part of raising a healthy child. It helps children fall asleep easier, sleep better and feel healthier. But what about your pets? Is it possible that our pets could benefit significantly as well from a meaningful bed time routine? Most dogs appreciate a routine. 🐶

We have two rottweilers who are both around one years old.  When we decide to stay up late or watch a movie, sometimes they just get up and go to bed all on their own. It always amuses me how dedicated they are to their routine once it has been established for them. 

Setting up a night time routine is especially a great idea for a new puppy. The sooner you can get a puppy or adult dog on a set bedtime schedule that matches yours, the better for everyone in the household. If your dog sleeps well at night, so will you.  🐕🐕🐕

Daily routines are essential for your fur baby. They reduce stress and anxiety and make them happier when they know generally when they can pee, sleep, play and rest. Since consistency is one of the best ways to manage anxiety, a great routine benefits anxious dogs as well.⏰⏰

Pre-Routine – At least a couple hours before bedtime, give them their dinner and lots of fresh water. Eating 3-4 hours before bed is best and then some water a bit later – so they don’t get thirsty during the night.

Step 1 - Alright, let’s start with Step 1, which is calm down time. No more playing and roughing around. It is time to wind down for the evening. This can be easily accomplished if you have played with your pet during the day, exercised them at least twice and burnt up most of their energy. One of my favorite quotes is “A Tired Dog Is A Good Dog!” If you can tire your dog out during the day, you have made this process much easier for everyone involved. 🐕

Step 2 – This is potty break time. An adult dog should be able to last all night without a potty break but don’t expect that from a 4- or 5-month-old puppy. 🚽🌳

Step 3 – Time for bed and this could be in a comfy crate or a dog bed. Personally, our dogs usually sleep on the bed with a family member or in a spare bedroom with a doggie gate across the door. Make sure the bed they sleep in is clean and soft – secure and comfy.  We personally use wonderful dog bed covers that are fitted sheets and wrap around over their dog beds. This makes them easy to remove and wash and dry.  

Their bed should be placed in a quiet dark area of the home if people are still up when it’s their bed time. Make sure the bed is large enough for them to stretch out completely if they choose to do so. If your dog isn’t sleeping well through the night, give their dog bed a look over. Is it comfortable, the right size or in a good location? 🛏🛏

Step 4 – Treat Time – a simple bedtime treat will give your dog something to look forward to and it lets your dog know it is time to settle down for the night. Soon, he may be reminding you he needs his treat so he can go to bed. 🥖🥖🧀🧀

Step 5 – Is it possible that your pet might like a soft, cuddly toy to sleep with? Does your dog have a favorite quiet toy? If you don’t have one, you could give them a piece of your clothing so they can smell your scent during the night. A sock or old tee shirt should do the trick. Don’t give them a noisy squeaky toy or a ball ⚾⚾⚾ that gets them all excited. Just a small squishy toy for a bedtime buddy. 

Step 6 – Essential Oil Scent – I’ve been really exploring the value of essential oil scents for humans as well as for pets. One of the favorite oils for pets is the scent of lavender. I wash all my dog beds with lavender essential oil homemade fabric softener and also put it on wool dryer balls when I dry their bed covers. Check out the essential oils we offer on our website.

Step 7 – Last but not least, sit down with your dog, love on your fur pup, rub their ear or scratch their neck. Tell them you love them and give them a hug and a kiss. It’s time for them to close their eyes and enjoy some sweet puppy dreams. 💕💕

A tired dog is a good dog.


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