My Favorite Homemade Dog Treat Recipe

I could eat dog treats all day long but my humans only give them to me occasionally. Honestly, my favorite treats are the things that are not good for me like mashed potatos and gravy. Some of the store bought treats are ok but no one seems to really know what is in them and I might get too much salt.

These are super easy so you can make lots of them for your furry pets. Just Mix, Roll, Cut, and Bake

 Yield: About 40 1.5" round dog biscuits (used a shot glass)


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2/3 Cup Pure Pumpkin Puree (or ~ ½ of 15oz. can)

2/3 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce

 Microwave a Whole Pumpkin & Scoop Out What You Need


2/3 Cup Sweet Potato Puree or Carrot Puree

¼ Cup Smooth Peanut Butter  (All Natural, organic, raw, unsalted, no sweeteners or xylitol)

¼ Cup Almond Butter (no sweeteners or xylitol, unsalted)



2 Large Eggs

3 Small Eggs

Flax meal and water for the eggs (1 tbsp flax to 3 tbsp water per large egg)

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce for every egg

2 1/4 +-  Cups Whole Wheat Flour

2 ½ +- Cups Ground up Oats or Oat Flour

2 +- Cups Whole Grain Rice Flour or Grind Your Own Rice



½ Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon (Optional)








Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step 2: In a bowl, mix all ingredients together except the Flour. Then add the flour slowly until the beater can’t handle it. Then switch to hand mixing. Add enough flour so dough is not sticky. If the dough is really dry and crumbly, add 1 Tablespoon of water at a time or more pumpkin puree until you can work with it.

Step 3: Move the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it until well mixed. Roll dough ¼ inch thick and use your cookie cutters or a knife to create shapes. Put each shape on the baking sheet. Also feel free to poke them all a couple times with a fork to keep from bubbling.

Options for shapes are dog bones cookie cutter, hearts, squares, rectangles, triangles, circles with an upside-down shot class or drinking glass, or whatever you can imagine.

Step 4: Put in the oven and bake 30 -40 minutes depending on size and thickness. If you turn the treats over half way during baking, they will bake more evenly. The longer you bake the crunchier the treat and the longer the shelf life. Turn the oven off and leave the treats in the oven overnight. If you need softer treats, you can skip that part after they bake. The better you can dry out the treats, the longer they will last without going moldy or needing to be frozen.  

Step 5: Cool completely and store in open container on counter for a few days. You can refrigerator or freeze the rest. These can be kept at room temperature for a few days but I recommend storing them in the fridge (or freezer) to extend shelf life. 

If you want to bake only part of the batch, you can freeze the remainder for another time. 

4x MEGA Batch Below with Large 29-oz Can Pumpkin

Yield: About 150 1.5" round dog biscuits 

1 29-oz can pure pumpkin puree

1 cup peanut butter

8 Large eggs

1 tsp cinnamon

9 cups whole wheat / oat / rice flour


Note: you might need a kitchen aid mixer to mix this large batch. I mix with a mixer until I've added about 1/2 of the flour and then I have to knead by hand, adding 1 cup of flour at a time until it is just right.


ENJOY!  Tag me on your instagram with a picture of your treats.



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