How to Clean Your Removable Dog Bed Cover
Germs, germs, germs. You can’t see them but we all carry these evil microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa around. Your pets carry them too.
Here’s what the experts say … “Domestic animals carry disease-causing organisms including bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal species, according to the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH).”
How Often Do You Wash Your Pet Bed?
Pet beds-- including any blankets or pillows used by your pet should be laundered every 1-2 weeks. The frequency depends on things like how much they shed, allergies and how much time they spend outdoors. Additionally, if your pet sleeps in bed with you, I think it might be wise to consider going with the weekly wash routine.
My two pampered rottweilers spend a lot of time outdoors in good weather and enjoy it immensely. Who knows what they will get into while outside though? When they are done adventuring and playing, they insist on coming inside immediately. They paw at the door until we let them back in. I usually have to wash their feet in a bucket of water and dry them before I grant them entrance.
Here’s some steps to the washing process of a removable dog bed cover:
- First step - Get as much dirt and hair off the bed by shaking it outside, brushing it with a Fur Wizard Brush, sticky roller or vacuum. I find it easier to work with a large cover while it is still in place on the floor with the stuffing inside.
- One trick I’ve heard of doing is to take the cover off, shake it outside and then put it in the dryer on air cycle only- for a few minutes -and then clean the lint trap immediately.
- If there are any spots on your cover, I would spot clean them with a stain remover. Sometimes I like to soak the cover in some Oxy-clean for an hour before I put it in the wash. It always amazes me how much dirt comes out during the soaking process.
- Wash the dog bed cover in water as hot as possible, minimum temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. I would add a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle or even bleach if your cover can handle it. The heat should kill any insects and eggs that may be on the bedding. All associated germs and odors should be destroyed as well. Add an extra rinse cycle to the settings to make sure the pet friendly detergent gets completely removed.
- Tumble dry the bed cover on medium-high or hang outside in the sunshine. Follow the instructions on your dog bed cover if you have them. Do not use dryer sheets for your dog beds. Google tells us why: “A dryer sheetworks to disperse static cling by coating fabrics with chemicals transferred from the sheet by heat. These same chemicals that are in high concentrations on the dryer sheets can harm your pet; especially if they chew or ingest a sheet, even a used one.”
So, no way do you want those harmful chemicals transferred to your pets bedding. Makes me wonder if I should be using dryer sheets on my own clothes. Hmmm
- If your pet’s bedding was in really bad shape and you think some of the filth might still be in your washer, run the clean cycle on your machine with 1 cup vinegar or bleach in the detergent dispenser. If there is any smut left in your machine that you don’t want transferred to your next load, this is a must. It always makes me feel better when I do this.
That completes the steps to washing a dog bed cover. I did omit elaborating on the prep effort needed of unzipping the cover, pull out all the stuffing, washing the cover and after it is dried, stuffing it all back together again. And if you have to do all of this weekly, let’s be honest, is it really going to happen?
There’s an easier way! It is called a Doggie Duvie – a fitted pet bed sheet for your dog bed that you can easily wash and keep clean. Keep a few on hand so you can change them weekly. Then when you run out, wash them all. You’ll have clean dog bed covers handy to go as needed. If you need waterproofing, put a pet pad underneath the sheet to absorb any unwanted liquids. Then as needed, toss the pet pad and wash the Duvie per instructions. These Duvies are stylish, elegant and can fit right into your home décor. Change up the look with our seasonal designs and always have a fresh Duvie available for your pet bed.
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